BCP38 making it work, solving problems

> ... the first thing is, some nets who want the internet to work this
> way have to implement BCP38 in their own corner of the internet.
> then they have to start de-peering with nets who don't do it, and
> offer a better rate to customers who do it than to those who don't.
> then they have to de-peer with anyone who doesn't require their
> peers and customers to do it. then they have to refuse as customers
> anyone who won't do it. ...

As it was "in the old days": first clean up your own act and then
start pointing at others that they're doing "it" wrong.

It's a mentality I see very rarely amongst the larger ISP's who've
been part of that 'I' in their name since the very early beginning.

i found out from verisign that big companies call something "innovation" if
it hasn't been generally done before and if it immediately increases revenue.

failing the "immediately increases revenue" part, no big company will do
anything that hasn't been generally done before.

unless their insurance companies or their government insists, that is. the
same cfo's who are choking the life out of your backbone (equipment, staff,
etc) are perfectly happy to pay a little more to get UL-listed refrigerators
for the company's break rooms. i guess the grownups really are in charge?

i'm pretty depressed at the lack of self regulation among the techiefolk.
responses to BCP38 of the form "but my customer has a good reason to spoof"
or "but my equipment can't do wire speed SAV" or "but BCP38 will not solve
all DDoS problems single-handedly" are small minded, provincial, and wrong.
... it's just "but if man was meant to fly he'd have wings" all over again.

Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 13:36:18 +0000
From: Paul Vixie <paul@vix.com>
To: nanog@merit.edu
Subject: Re: BCP38 making it work, solving problems

[ ... ]
> As it was "in the old days": first clean up your own act and then
> start pointing at others that they're doing "it" wrong.

> It's a mentality I see very rarely amongst the larger ISP's who've
> been part of that 'I' in their name since the very early beginning.

i found out from verisign that big companies call something
"innovation" if it hasn't been generally done before and if it
immediately increases revenue.

failing the "immediately increases revenue" part, no big company
will do anything that hasn't been generally done before.

And continuing on that road would lead to innovation, how ?

[ ... ]
i'm pretty depressed at the lack of self regulation among the techiefolk.

Techiefolk are 'commodity' nowadays.
The ones that do care are vastly outnumbered.
(which doesn't mean they should stop caring!)

responses to BCP38 of the form "but my customer has a good reason to spoof"
or "but my equipment can't do wire speed SAV" or "but BCP38 will not solve
all DDoS problems single-handedly" are small minded, provincial, and wrong.
... it's just "but if man was meant to fly he'd have wings" all over again.

Thinking outside of the box or about "The Greater Good" is something
of a quaint idea nowadays :frowning: Think I'll go dust off my wings... ;D

JP Velders

I've been a strong advocate of getting uRPF enabled on
our customer links. So much so, that we've found interesting limitations
of some of the routers out there.

  While, I'd like to enable SAV on all our links, it's just
not possible. Some major routing vendors have not re-released
their time-to-market hardware with versions that can still do
full port density and line-rate, while others have re-spun their hardware
in order to support new features at the same densities/costs.

  These are just a few of the challenges that providers face..

  The more I see these days though is non-spoofed attacks,
that are semi-sophisticated in nature. *BUT* this doesn't mean
that you people that aren't u-rpfing your non-multihomed T1/DSL customers
should just ignore the need for u-rpf. It will save you a lot of
grief in your networks operationally. No more tracking spoofed
DoS attacks from your customers. No forwarding packets with these
bogus sources across your expensive links. This will only help you
and your customers operate a "clean" network.

  My employers network isn't perfect, nor do I suspect many peoples
are, but SAV filtering/u-rpf is important enough that everyone should
be doing it.

  Just picking on one router, I see many billions of packets
dropped over it's 25 day uptime:

      RPF Failures: Packets: 34889152, Bytes: 12838806927
      RPF Failures: Packets: 4200, Bytes: 449923
      RPF Failures: Packets: 3066337401, Bytes: 122772518288
      RPF Failures: Packets: 30954487, Bytes: 3272647457
      RPF Failures: Packets: 4707582841, Bytes: 227001949225
      RPF Failures: Packets: 11291931, Bytes: 643099278
      RPF Failures: Packets: 291592413, Bytes: 20642951232
      RPF Failures: Packets: 380355, Bytes: 22616137
      RPF Failures: Packets: 607543, Bytes: 31687907
      RPF Failures: Packets: 0, Bytes: 0
      RPF Failures: Packets: 91, Bytes: 6978
      RPF Failures: Packets: 0, Bytes: 0
      RPF Failures: Packets: 0, Bytes: 0
      RPF Failures: Packets: 2, Bytes: 80
      RPF Failures: Packets: 13904, Bytes: 1093686

  this means the junk isn't reaching root servers, peers, or
our customers. mitigating the need to carry this traffic when it
is of (virtually) no use.

  - Jared
  (working to make the packets on my corner of the network
a little less messy)

dropped over it's 25 day uptime:

     RPF Failures: Packets: 34889152, Bytes: 12838806927
     RPF Failures: Packets: 4200, Bytes: 449923
     RPF Failures: Packets: 3066337401, Bytes: 122772518288
     RPF Failures: Packets: 30954487, Bytes: 3272647457
     RPF Failures: Packets: 4707582841, Bytes: 227001949225
     RPF Failures: Packets: 11291931, Bytes: 643099278
     RPF Failures: Packets: 291592413, Bytes: 20642951232
     RPF Failures: Packets: 380355, Bytes: 22616137
     RPF Failures: Packets: 607543, Bytes: 31687907
     RPF Failures: Packets: 0, Bytes: 0
     RPF Failures: Packets: 91, Bytes: 6978
     RPF Failures: Packets: 0, Bytes: 0
     RPF Failures: Packets: 0, Bytes: 0
     RPF Failures: Packets: 2, Bytes: 80
     RPF Failures: Packets: 13904, Bytes: 1093686

this means the junk isn't reaching root servers, peers, or
our customers. mitigating the need to carry this traffic when it
is of (virtually) no use.

  And those you do see it indicates a misconfigured / compromised

  A compromised system that is sending spoofed traffic can
  also launch attacks using regular traffic. Think of this
  as a early warning system.

  The same with those ISP's that block outbound port 25.
  Think of it as a early warning system. The customer is
  misconfigured or compromised. You need to find out which.
  [This is not to say that I agree with the practice of blocking
  port 25]

  Apply the same logic to anything else you filter outbound.