BBN Peering issues

I checked before doing so, and I checked once again in light of your
allegation. And, according to Exodus, this *IS* a PX.

If by PX you mean "public exchange point", then Sprint is
being unusually inconsistent with its naming, numbering, and
topology conventions.

I'm curious as to which exchange point it is, if that in fact is
what PX means.

Of course, whatever type of connection it is, I'm curious about
the fact that packets are always drawn towards this one connection.
Are there others? If so, are they down or something?

  Sean. (wondering why Sprint would give away a single free T3)

> I checked before doing so, and I checked once again in light of your
> allegation. And, according to Exodus, this *IS* a PX.

If by PX you mean "public exchange point", then Sprint is
being unusually inconsistent with its naming, numbering, and
topology conventions.

PX = Private eXchange (private peering). sorry 'bout any confusion.

And Sprint owns earthlink does it not? As I look at this more and more I
the internet and the web being destroyed and cut up and soon non
functional for
anyone's use.

The government must be laughing their asses off and wallstreet is gonna
have a
field day with toasted ISP's and carriers destroyed by blind people's
greed and
inability to manage a global network

Failure of management is the crux to this issue and maintaining what has
for over 20 years. That to states there are some people in serious need of

sacking in some boardrooms.....

Henry R. Linneweh

Sean M. Doran wrote:

As I understand it, Sprint is outsourcing end-user dialups to Earthlink and
Earthlink remains an independent.