Bay Networks in bed with commie censors?

When the United States invaded a foreign territory, laid siege to its
ruler's house, played blaring loud music at it, then broke in, shackled
him, and took him to Florida, I thought that was interesting.

When they took this foreign ruler and froze his funds and gave him public
defenders, I thought that was interesting.

When they charged him with crimes committed not by him and on his own
foreign territory (but which impacted the United States), I thought that
was interesting.

If the United States is the conscience of the world, then yes, we should
stop the PRC from setting up this network, prevent those Cubans from taking
over companies and not giving us Cubanos, and arrest President Noriega
("Strongman" is the title the US govt. uses, but as I last thought, that's
the guy in the circus that lifts weights...) for drug trafficking in Panama.

If the United States is NOT the conscience of the world, then NO we do not
need to go arrest foreign leaders, we do NOT need to tell Sadam whom and whom
not he can attack, and we do NOT confuse Bay Networks and PRC with more
regulatory tripe.

I vote nay.
But then I didn't buy my son an internet provider business either.


Loud music?

What makes you all think that we were the only people competing for this

Do you think that if we did not win that our competitors would not have
trumpeted their accomplishments?