Bare TLD resolutions

Pursuant to

mentioned in the Scotland thread... it seems there are two major potential
points of possible collision:

1) User network uses "fake" TLD which is no longer fake, and local
resolver server blows it

2) User network blows it worse, and tries to resolve a monocomponent name
off non-local servers.

The latter would seem to be avoidable by making sure that *DNS resolution
of bare TLDs always returns NXDOMAIN*.

Is that a requirement for a TLD?

If it isn't, does anyone know of any domains dumb enough to actual
return something for a lookup on the bare TLD?

Is there actually *any* good reason why a lookup on a bare TLD ("com.")
might return a valid record?

And what about Naomi?

-- jra


it seems there are two major potential points of possible collision:

1) User network uses "fake" TLD which is no longer fake, and local
resolver server blows it

2) User network blows it worse, and tries to resolve a monocomponent name
off non-local servers.

A common case of name collision is driven by the “DNS search path”, e.g., if you have a “search path” of “;” and you type “telnet baz”, _some_ resolver libraries will try to resolve “”, if that fails then “”, if that fails then “baz.”, if that fails return an error to the user.

However, the "search path” algorithm was never fully standardized and there are implementations that try “baz.” first (there are even some implementations that will split up the path elements, e.g., if ‘’ fails, the resolver library will try ‘’).

In my view, given the lack of standardization and the potential security implications, search paths shouldn’t be used at all.

The latter would seem to be avoidable by making sure that *DNS resolution
of bare TLDs always returns NXDOMAIN*.

It is quite rare that a TLD is queried for directly. Resolver libraries generally do not parse the name being queried and send the minimum to the authoritative servers. That is, if a resolver is asked for “”, it sends the entire string to the root server and gets back a referral to the COM servers — it generally does not parse “” to get the TLD and send “COM” to the root servers to get the referral. This latter behavior is called “QNAME minimization” and is a good idea for performance and privacy (and other reasons), but not yet generally implemented because it is a bit tricky in the general case.

If it isn't, does anyone know of any domains dumb enough to actual
return something for a lookup on the bare TLD?

There are a few ccTLDs that provide apex wildcards: they’ll return an “A” record for any random goop (.WS is an example), however this behavior is banned from gTLDs (an outcome of the SiteFinder debacle).

Is there actually *any* good reason why a lookup on a bare TLD ("com.")
might return a valid record?

Some of the folks in ICANN’s new gTLD program, typically the folks who’ve gone for “brand” TLDs (e.g., .bmw), have argued for what’s called “dotless” domains: they want people to be able to do stuff like point their browsers at “http://bmw” and have the web page for BMW show up. Unfortunately for them, several oceans have already gone under that particular bridge (see and ICANN has (to date) resisted those requests. (I actually don’t know if the folks behind .BMW wanted dotless domains — just using BMW as an example)

And what about Naomi?

Never was a big fan of the chair.


From: "David Conrad" <>

A common case of name collision is driven by the “DNS search path”,
e.g., if you have a “search path” of “;” and you
type “telnet baz”, _some_ resolver libraries will try to resolve
“”, if that fails then “”, if that fails
then “baz.”, if that fails return an error to the user.

However, the "search path” algorithm was never fully standardized and
there are implementations that try “baz.” first (there are even some
implementations that will split up the path elements, e.g., if
‘’ fails, the resolver library will try ‘’).

Yes; this is what I was talking about.

If I have a machine inside my network called "aero", and I telnet to
it, and for some reason the search path blows it, I might try to
resolve "aero." against the Greater Internet, and if the .aero TLD
*returns an A record*, then I'm in trouble. Correct?

In my view, given the lack of standardization and the potential
security implications, search paths shouldn’t be used at all.

True, but not entirely germane to this level of the issue.

> The latter would seem to be avoidable by making sure that *DNS
> resolution of bare TLDs always returns NXDOMAIN*.

It is quite rare that a TLD is queried for directly. Resolver
libraries generally do not parse the name being queried and send the
minimum to the authoritative servers. That is, if a resolver is asked
for “”, it sends the entire string to the root server and
gets back a referral to the COM servers — it generally does not parse
“” to get the TLD and send “COM” to the root servers to get
the referral. This latter behavior is called “QNAME minimization” and
is a good idea for performance and privacy (and other reasons), but
not yet generally implemented because it is a bit tricky in the
general case.

Sure, but as you pointed out above, we're not talking about that.

We're talking, largely, about error cases *that used to break as you wanted,
and now might not*.

> If it isn't, does anyone know of any domains dumb enough to actual
> return something for a lookup on the bare TLD?

There are a few ccTLDs that provide apex wildcards: they’ll return an
“A” record for any random goop (.WS is an example), however this
behavior is banned from gTLDs (an outcome of the SiteFinder debacle).

A records being returned for bare TLDs *is* formally banned?

(Oh: specifically for cctlds. Got it.)


> Is there actually *any* good reason why a lookup on a bare TLD
> ("com.") might return a valid record?

Some of the folks in ICANN’s new gTLD program, typically the folks
who’ve gone for “brand” TLDs (e.g., .bmw), have argued for what’s
called “dotless” domains:

Yeah; that's not a "good" reason. :slight_smile:

> And what about Naomi?

Never was a big fan of the chair.

Electric Company FTW.

-- jra

A records being returned for bare TLDs*is* formally banned?

(Oh: specifically for cctlds. Got it.)

No, ICANN doesn't ban anything for the ccTLDs.


The gTLD registry contracts describe the fact that they cannot add A records at the zone apex.


We're talking, largely, about error cases *that used to break as you wanted,
and now might not*.

Yep. Well, it used to break if you happened to be using the right version of resolver library. There have been cases where operating system vendors had different search path behaviors in their resolver libraries depending on version and even patch level. It’s all a bit of a mess.

There are a few ccTLDs that provide apex wildcards: they’ll return an
“A” record for any random goop (.WS is an example), however this
behavior is banned from gTLDs (an outcome of the SiteFinder debacle).

A records being returned for bare TLDs *is* formally banned?

(Oh: specifically for cctlds. Got it.)

To be clear, generic TLDs (gTLDs) can’t have bare (dotless) TLDs (or wildcards). ICANN has no mechanism by which policy can be imposed on ccTLDs.



From: "David Conrad" <>

> A records being returned for bare TLDs *is* formally banned?
> (Oh: specifically for cctlds. Got it.)

To be clear, generic TLDs (gTLDs) can’t have bare (dotless) TLDs (or
wildcards). ICANN has no mechanism by which policy can be imposed on

Yeah; sorry; quoted it backwards.

> Citation?

New gTLD Dotless Domain Names Prohibited

Thanks, Dave.

-- jra

um. .museum. ...

.MUSEUM gave up their wildcard some time ago.


The latter would seem to be avoidable by making sure that *DNS resolution
of bare TLDs always returns NXDOMAIN*.

Is that a requirement for a TLD?

No. In fact, a TLD lookup that returned NXDOMAIN would be utterly
broken since that would mean the TLD had no SOA, no NS, and no
subdomains. Perhaps you're confusing it with NOERROR.

If it isn't, does anyone know of any domains dumb enough to actual
return something for a lookup on the bare TLD?

Yes. If you'd read RFC 7085, you'd already know which ones do.

There have been A and MX records at TLDs nearly as long as there have
been TLDs.


From: "John Levine" <>

>The latter would seem to be avoidable by making sure that *DNS resolution
>of bare TLDs always returns NXDOMAIN*.
>Is that a requirement for a TLD?

No. In fact, a TLD lookup that returned NXDOMAIN would be utterly
broken since that would mean the TLD had no SOA, no NS, and no
subdomains. Perhaps you're confusing it with NOERROR.

No, I was confusing you for someone who understood -- as everyone else
here seems to have -- that I meant "querying for an A, AAAA, or MX

>If it isn't, does anyone know of any domains dumb enough to actual
>return something for a lookup on the bare TLD?

Yes. If you'd read RFC 7085, you'd already know which ones do.

There have been A and MX records at TLDs nearly as long as there have
been TLDs.

And this is *why* I assumed you knew that, since the RFC is yours, and
makes precisely that distinction.

-- jra

You want to return NXDOMAIN for a name only when the QTYPE is A, AAAA,
or MX, and not everything else? Presumably you don't want to do
negative caching?


You want gethostbyname, getaddrinfo to return HOST_NOT_FOUND/EAI_NONAME
if a single label is entered and is not matched by
<label>.<search-list-element>. localhost is special cased.

You want res_search() to return HOST_NOT_FOUND if a single label
is entered and is not matched by <label>.<search-list-element>.

You want res_query() and other tools that look in the DNS and are
*not* searching to return whatever is in the DNS.

If you have a new interface that looks for SRV records you want
that to fail if <srv-prefix>.<label>.<search-list-element> is not
found unless searching is explictly disabled. This allows for
things like "_whois._tcp.tld SRV ...." to work.

Search lists are for hosts and host like things. Resolver libraries
have different interfaces for different purposes. Single label
hostnames for reaching non local equipment was deliberately phase
out in the 1980's as it was clearly a bad concept.


I want to return NXDOMAIN *because there is no record of that type at that

That was the underlying point here; I thought that was pretty clear.

-- jra

Yes, and we're discussing the practical reason *why* it's a bad concept.


My abject apologies to everyone who didn't get that I was talking about
the *source* of the problem by synecdoche.

-- jra

But that's not what NXDOMAIN means. :slight_smile: You get an NXDOMAIN response when there is no label at that point in the tree, period. In the case you specify you get the combination of NOANSWER + NOERROR if there is no address record, but there are other records (like there are at a zone apex).



NXDOMAIN means "There are no records of *any* type at that node".

NOERROR means "There are no records of *that* type at that node (but the
node exists and there may be records of other types if you ask for them)".

The distinction is important.

From: "Doug Barton" <>

> I want to return NXDOMAIN *because there is no record of that type
> at that node*.
> That was the underlying point here; I thought that was pretty clear.

But that's not what NXDOMAIN means. :slight_smile: You get an NXDOMAIN response
when there is no label at that point in the tree, period. In the case
you specify you get the combination of NOANSWER + NOERROR if there is no
address record, but there are other records (like there are at a zone

D'oh. Yes; I overspecified. Damn.


It did; thanks.

Well, except for John, but he thinks I'm an idiot dilettante anyway. :slight_smile:

-- jra

IMHO, since ICANN has created the situation, the ball is in ICANN’s court to say how this works without disrupting name services. Their ill-informed hipshot is not our emergency.

The source of the problem is bad search list handling. It wouldn't matter
what records are there if the search list handling was correct.


IMHO, since ICANN has created the situation,

ICANN has created ill-specified domain search path heuristics and truly fascinating implementations of those heuristics? ICANN has caused people to use non-allocated TLDs in environments where queries for those non-allocated TLDs hit the public Internet? ICANN had made applications dependent upon receiving NXDOMAINs in a way that implies the root of the DNS should never be expanded (even for country codes or internationalized domain names)?

the ball is in ICANN’s court to say how this works without disrupting name services.

Actually, name services aren’t disrupted. They are behaving exactly as specified in the DNS and as intended. What is disrupted is (typically unknown) assumptions people have made regarding the composition of the top-level of the domain namespace. ICANN has been working to try to help mitigate the issue for some time now (initial discussions occurred in 2010).

Their ill-informed hipshot is not our emergency.

Hipshots are generally not a good idea, regardless of whether they are ill-informed.

Whose emergency it is probably depends on how the delegation of new top-level domains impacts the operation of your network. To date, in cases where there was impact, the affected parties have worked to address the issues and (AFAIK) no emergencies have been experienced.
