bandwidth test

Recently my DS3 has been turned up to 8 megabits. How can I test to see if I can actually achieve that throughput?
Online bandwidth test sites are only good for up to 5mb at the most, and my upstream doesn't have a method to test that.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Send a (big) file to somewhere with enough bandwidth to max out your upload.

Perhaps sending a big attachment to Yahoo or Gmail while keeping an eye on
the traffic logs might work.

quote who="Bubba Parker">

Recently my DS3 has been turned up to 8 megabits. How can I test to see if
I can actually achieve that throughput?
Online bandwidth test sites are only good for up to 5mb at the most, and
my upstream doesn't have a method to test that.

We've been LART'ing some of our colo clients lately for running bittorrent
trackers[1]. They seem to have no problem filling a 10mbps port rather


1: we do not run a commercial colo. our AUP does not allow this behavior.
no need to create a separate discussion about this. eof. :slight_smile:

If you have a Cisco at both ends with the correct IOS, you can run a
ttcp test to try and stress the DS3.