Bandwidth Monitoring by IP

Hi all,

Does anyone know of a low-cost solution for monitoring bandwidth by IP? My
original thought was 1 switch port = 1 IP, but in the case of virtual IP's
on a single port, that just wouldn't work. I'm seeing more and more of a
demand for a basic BW report by IP, so our customers can bill their customer

Any recommendations?


Dan Mitchell
Internet Systems Engineer - Boston
AllegianceInternet /
781.478.1857 Direct Line

it depend...
if you turned off snmp on host, then you should be able to monitor not
neceessary control.. for unix box, I am sure there is way to control as
if you are using cisco, then there is a command called traffic-shape will
allow to restrict outbound traffic to the host .. :slight_smile:


Tatsuya Kawasaki
Allegiance Internet
Phone 800.581.8711 Fax 240.616.2414
Affiliation given for identification not representation

Mitchell, Dan wrote:

Hi all,

Does anyone know of a low-cost solution for monitoring bandwidth by IP? My
original thought was 1 switch port = 1 IP, but in the case of virtual IP's
on a single port, that just wouldn't work. I'm seeing more and more of a
demand for a basic BW report by IP, so our customers can bill their customer

See if something like:

could do what you need. It's just running off netflow data, as someone else suggested, but it's a nice frontend for it.

interface (gig|fast)ethernet1/0
  ip account mac (in|out)

Hi all,

Does anyone know of a low-cost solution for monitoring bandwidth by IP? My
original thought was 1 switch port = 1 IP, but in the case of virtual IP's
on a single port, that just wouldn't work. I'm seeing more and more of a

virtual ip's == nats? all ip addresses are real ip addresses.

If you're running *BSD, install a packet filter that counts octets - one
filter rule per IP address. Then sample every 5 minutes.