bandwidth for PyCon 08 in Chicago

Let me start with: I pretty much have no clue. but it is ok, because I don't get to spend any money.

But I do get to help figure out how to get internet bandwidth to a hotel near Chicago (Crown in Rosemont) for a week in March 08 and figured maybe someone here can help.

There are 2 aspects to this:

1. bandwidth for PyCon, and no one else. This is the easiest, but most costly. (20k ish total)

2. help the Crown upgrade their setup from 3 T1s to a DS3. (the fiber is there.) so they have it for other conventions. more hassle, more money, but less cost to PyCon.

Below are some 'details' that a PyCon guy has collected. Anyone here feel this is there line of work?

Carl K

Highlights from Sean Reifschneider posts:
-- begin quote --

I've gotten a quote from Time Warner, one of the providers we use at our
hosting facility. Their price would be $5,543/month with $750 setup for
month-to-month DS-3 service. This would be a fully DS-3 running at 45mbps.
On top of this, we would probably need to spend a couple of grand on a
router to terminate the line. So far, this is the only place I've gotten
who is willing to do a month-to-month DS-3, this pricing is quite good

That seems awfully high for a short-term hookup, though from the rest of
the email I'm guessing you're mainly looking at wireline hookups. Have you
shopped around for a short-term wireless link?

If you can get on the roof of the hotel, and the roof of someone else
nearby that has more bandwidth, and point a pair of radios at each other,
that's probably do-able for far less than 20k.

In Chicago, the folks at CW Lab ( may be able to get you
started. They're more of a consulting firm now, from the looks of their
Web site, but they've done things like this before, and they're local to
Chicago; if they can't help they probably know someone who can.

David Smith

In Chicago, the folks at CW Lab ( may be able to get you
started. They're more of a consulting firm now, from the looks of


Web site, but they've done things like this before, and they're local


Chicago; if they can't help they probably know someone who can.

Isn't Charles Wu of cwlab the one who would only donate wireless
hardware to the Katrina effort if they put his logo on or near the
podium during official press events?


If you are looking for wireless in Chicago I would suggest Business Only Broadband. I don't have any direct experience with them, but others have had good things to say. Regardless, I agree with David; wireless is ideal for short-term bandwidth needs.


David E. Smith wrote:

Did you check with hotel whether they have available fiber or coax from local CO ?
In that case, installation cost may be reduced since it is matter of cross-connection with local ISP.
Hotel may have special arrangement with local ISP just in case of conference or something like that.


Carl Karsten wrote:

Wireless connection may be depends on clear sight between their presence and the hotel.
Or contact local cable modem provider for short term arrangement if they have coverage for the hotel using existing coax cable. ^.^


Matt Liotta wrote:

If you are asking that, what did you think this meant?

>> 2. help the Crown upgrade their setup from 3 T1s to a DS3. (the fiber
>> is there.)

Carl K

Hyunseog Ryu wrote: