Bandwidth Control Question


A customer of ours in the next building would like 6M of Internet bandwidth from us, so we would wire a DS3 between the two buildings for connectivity.

The question is: how to we control the amount of bandwidth that we give them? Could we use rate limiting to contain the bandwdith to 6M, our would we need to get external IDSU’s to do that?

Note: we have a Cisco 7206VXR router on our end. The customer has a Cisco 7513.


= TC

  If you are using Cisco's on both ends, you can easily do:

interface SerialX/0
bandwidth 6144
ip address <IP Address>
no ip redirects
no ip directed-broadcast
no ip proxy-arp
load-interval 30
dsu bandwidth 6144
no dsu remote accept
cablelength 450
no cdp enable

  This configuration is specific to Cisco, but if you have
a device that is not Cisco on the other end, just look at the
dsu mode options. Btw, this configuration will allow you to
do traffic-shaping, or rate-limiting for other things without
making it overly complicated.


Why waste a T3 port. Run ethernet if they are that close. Don’t overlook the benefit of using the old thin-net for 200m.

Roy wrote:

Why waste a T3 port. Run ethernet if they are that close. Don't
overlook the benefit of using the old thin-net for 200m.

I'd be cautious about metal between buildings, but Ethernet on
fiber might make sense.