B-STDX S/W peculiarities

Short and sweet - if anyone would be willing to discuss certain
peculiarities (specifically IP-based issues when interoperating w/Cisco
in the core), I'd appreciate a private email. Pending responses and
interest, I'll summarize later.


Ahhh... Crashcades. Simple fix for your issues: Trade them in for
Fore/Marconi equipment. Works like a charm.

Ok, to elaborate: a relatively newly-refitted (abput 6 months ago, with
B-STDX-9000's), but well-established network; very happy with general
performance at layer 2 (FR and ATM), but occasional brainfarts at layer 3
(IP) over HSSI to other core hardware, mostly Cisco.

Kindly avoid humorous anecdotes - I'd appreciate any substantive
input from those who are qualified to offer such. On or off list.


:On Fri, 7 Sep 2001, Brian Wallingford wrote:
:> Short and sweet - if anyone would be willing to discuss certain
:> peculiarities (specifically IP-based issues when interoperating w/Cisco
:> in the core), I'd appreciate a private email. Pending responses and
:> interest, I'll summarize later.
:> cheers,
:> brian
:Ahhh... Crashcades. Simple fix for your issues: Trade them in for
:Fore/Marconi equipment. Works like a charm.
:John Fraizer
:EnterZone, Inc

I don't know if Marconi is really comparable to what the B-STDX 9000 does.
The Marconi, to me, is an ATM switch and an ATM switch only. The frame
relay features of it are very limited, and the IP features look to be

Not that they don't have their place, they do, but I'm not quite sure they
are comparable to a 9000.

I've worked with TNX-1100 and TNX-210s.... so perhaps the ASX-4000 has more
features, so there may be other features I'm not aware of.
