AWS VPC Network Outage (US East)

Is anyone else having issues with VPN access into a dedicated VPC (AWS US
East)? We are unable to access our VM's across our tunnel. AWS alluded to
a service wide network outage.

Thank you,

We are seeing this as well.


Yes. Our tunnels and peering stayed up, but we lost all traffic.

Silly as it may seem, forcefully bouncing our end seems to have
resurrected it.


We tried bouncing our tunnels without success. Amazon has updated their
service dashboard:

3:56 PM PST We are investigating increased packet loss impacting VPN
connections in the US-EAST-1 region.

Thank you for your responses.


3:56 PM PST We are investigating increased packet loss impacting VPN>
connections in the US-EAST-1 region.
I didn't know a cloud could be heavy enough to crash.

Your network just evaporates.