Automated processing of InterNIC changes?

I thought all of you would find this amusing.

Network Solutions, Inc. (INTERNIC-DOM)
   505 Huntmar Park Drive
   Herndon, VA 22070

   Domain Name: INTERNIC.NET

   Administrative Contact:
      Network Solutions, Inc. (HOSTMASTER) hostmaster@FUTURE-FOCUS.COM
      619-452-4365 (FAX) (703) 742-4811 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Well, maybe the Internic was sold again..
[71]/export/home/c/cnielsen/info> telnet FUTURE-FOCUS.COM 25
Trying ...
Connected to FUTURE-FOCUS.COM.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.7.5/8.6.9. It's Thu, 23 May 1996 19:43:56
700 (PDT). CERF's up!

ahh, now CERF.NET

Christian Nielsen
Vyzynz International Inc.,CN46,KB7HAP
Phone 801-568-0999 Fax 801-568-0953
Private Email - Christian@Nielsen.Net BOFH - PS :slight_smile:

s well as the private interconnects, would contain complete information
on the other networks to back up any failure to route at a regional exchange.
