Attacked by Inktomi/Exodus

Any else seeing an attack by Inktomi originating from Exodus address
space? I have had an average of 5 queries per second for over a day to
one specific web site. I have them blocked at the router but they keep
trying. Email to Inktomi doesn't seem to help.

Roy Engehausen

Do the IPs resolve to like or simular ?

Let me guess. j4006 and j4008.

just drop inktomi packets on the floor at the borders. it will take you
*MONTHS* to get any response from inktomi.


> Do the IPs resolve to like or simular ?

Let me guess. j4006 and j4008.

just drop inktomi packets on the floor at the borders. it will take you
*MONTHS* to get any response from inktomi.

the jxxx machine are the crawlers, but there are also some
QA lab machines who have often done bad bad things ...
just wondering what ran amok this time :slight_smile:

The addresses used doesn't seem to resolve at all. They are in the range

Ulf Zimmermann wrote:

Hi Roy,

The machines in the subnet you listed are also crawlers. Please send an
email to (this is our contact for "your crawler is abusing
my site").
You'll get an auto-reply (sorry) with some good info and a contact email if
you need more help. Let me know if you don't get your problem solved.
