Atrivo/Intercage: Now Only 1 Upstream

By the way, a lot of folks are watching all domains registered
within Atrivo/Intercage IP address space every day. Here's a few
for you to decide -- and they have been registered only in the past
few days: (originally registered in Intercage IP space, now
in UkrTelecom)

This is only a fraction of a percentage of the activities.

We are watching.

- - ferg

Not closely enough.

It seems some people in San Francisco are selling Intercage outbound only capacity. (I.e. Letting them send packets and not announcing their ASN/prefixes to hide the fact Atrivo is a customer.)

If you find packets from Atrivo coming into your network from a network where you do not see a reverse path, please let the rest of us know so we can take appropriate action.