Atrivo/Intercage: NO Upstream depeer


It's true that David from PIE disconnected our link approx 9pm or so yesterday. Things were going perfect, no complaints for a few weeks now. The only thing I believe is that NTT gave lots of pressure to PIE. For some unknown reason when I tried to reach out to the security guy at NTT he basically said our contract is with PIE.

So in a time like this you really get to know who your friends are and who should be avoided.

Onward and upward! What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger ;-). Just feel bad for the customers for which I am truly sorry for right now ;-(.


Contact: Emil Kacperski

Company: Intercage Inc. - Atrivo

         Dedicated Servers

         San Francisco Datacenter


Phone: 925-550-3947

ICQ: 23531098


You have a lot of loyal legit customers. What's your plans? Seems like your
taking action against the bad clients which is great. Where does this leave
Intercage? You seeking alternative routes currently? Offering refunds to
those loyal clients?


Emil Kacperski wrote:

It's true that David from PIE disconnected our link approx 9pm or so
yesterday. Things were going perfect, no complaints for a few weeks
now. The only thing I believe is that NTT gave lots of pressure to
PIE. For some unknown reason when I tried to reach out to the
security guy at NTT he basically said our contract is with PIE.

Some days the dragon wins, some days the knight does.


If you've actually shut off the RBN, you should have no problem
finding some new transit to turn up, right?

We're in a buyer's market, and there are dozens of vendors on-net at
200 Paul who'd love a piece of your business.

Drive Slow,
Paul Wall