ATM/IP video

I am attempting to bridge multiple ATM vc's on a single port OC12c in my
Cisco 12008. The vc's are coming from VTC video equipment. Each vc is a
different channel. I need to terminate it and pass over the IP's to my
gigE port. Any suggestions.

Tracey Webb
Network Operations
Cameron Communications, LLC
337-775-3097 Office
337-493-4894 page
FCC# PG-GB-022338

Tracey Webb wrote:

I am attempting to bridge multiple ATM vc's on a single port OC12c in my
Cisco 12008. The vc's are coming from VTC video equipment. Each vc is a
different channel. I need to terminate it and pass over the IP's to my
gigE port. Any suggestions.

Maybe this works...

interface ATM6/0
  no ip address
interface ATM6/0.1 multipoint
  range Video pvc 1/100 1/199
  bridge-group 1
interface GigabitEthernet2/8
   bridge-group 1