AT&T Opti-man Dallas down

The Dallas area had a round of storms go through last night. Looks like this morning's flaming bag on the front porch was AT&T's "OptiMan" metro-E service was down. Can anyone confirm that this was a wide outage and not just a single customer? Any details released?

Yes, we lost all our Opteman circuits in Dallas from roughly 8:30AM to 10:30AM Central. The cause communicated to us from AT&T was:

"the router took a hit and the SUP Card failed which resulted in our outage"

our Opteman circuits in Houston were not impacted.



Don't know exactly how relevant it was but ~1pm EST today we had trouble
contacting Dallas headquarters by our normal VoIP links. Last known it
was still not contactable around ~4pm EST. This was all from West MI,
may be just coincidence though.