AT&T are currently advertising 61.8/20 for some reason but 61.8/19
is one of my networks. I need to contact them urgently as this
is affecting about half of my customers. I'v fired of an email
to but havent got anything yet.

Is this the correct address for their NOC or should I try

Is this the correct address for their NOC or should I try elsewhere?

This is not a NOC at all. This is a mailing list, read by quite a few
network operators, many of whom are not impressed by would be operators
who can not tell a mailing list from a NOC.

One of AT&T's NOCs may be reached at +1 (314) 519-5708. I found this
surprising information using whois.


AT&T are currently advertising 61.8/20 for some reason but 61.8/19
is one of my networks. I need to contact them urgently as this
is affecting about half of my customers. I'v fired of an email
to but havent got anything yet.

Is this the correct address for their NOC or should I try

On Sat, May 09, 1998 at 09:25:00AM -0700, Randy Bush replied, sarcastically:

This is not a NOC at all. This is a mailing list, read by quite a few
network operators, many of whom are not impressed by would be operators
who can not tell a mailing list from a NOC.

One of AT&T's NOCs may be reached at +1 (314) 519-5708. I found this
surprising information using whois.

Now, see, Randy? There you go again.

" ... Is _this_ the correct address".

You _knew_ what he meant.

-- jr 'quit it, ok?' a