AT&T: 15 Mbps Internet connections "irrelevant"

Speaking on Deep Background, the Press Secretary whispered:

But I think Mr. Stephenson's point was a network bottleneck is not always
based on the access link speed some ISPs put in their advertising.

There are also differences in how people use the network. Power
users and gamers are looking for any edge they can get. Casual users
may be more price sensitive and may not perceive enough of a difference
between 6Mbps and 16Mbps for what they do. If you consider it from a
marketing point of view rather than a technical point of view, if you
are a mass marketer where do you find the biggest target markets?
Wal-Mart targets a specific price point and target market and is very
successful even though it doesn't sell ultra high-end goods.

At the same time, the providers are cutting off users who actually
do consume any fraction of the advertised capacity:

  British telecommunications giant BT has sent letters
  to more than 3,000 of its broadband customers who use
  especially excessive amounts of bandwidth. The customers
  have been told that they could lose their connections
  altogether if they do not moderate their use of the
  service or pay extra.

  Contact Us - Get In Touch With 5Gstore

for a thread about EVDO usage.

smells to me of "our backbone just can't support that network
neutrality stuff. we need to limit all those folk who won't
pay us more money." and the hellcos need to get out of their
promises of ftth and etth.

face it. the packet transport business is in a keen contest
for financial unviability with long distance minutes, charging
$15 for replicating a cd-rom, etc. and they have yet to take
and they don't get that complicating the network to get
service differentiation so they can justify charging
differentiation will make the business even less profitable.
see geoff's apricot preso.

when you have a giant company with a broken business model,
send in the lawyers and lobbyists to extend it a few years.
after all, it's kinda working for the mpa and riaa.


and they don't get that complicating the network to get
service differentiation so they can justify charging
differentiation will make the business even less profitable.
see geoff's apricot preso.

No doubt Randy is referring to Geoff Huston's recent presentation
at APRICOT 2006 in Perth, Australia.

--Michael Dillon

Several companies made presentations at the same Bank of America
investor's conference. You can listen to their presentations online

Cablevision: <>
Comcast: <>
Disney: <>
SprintNextel: <>
Verizon: <>
Viacom: <>

They may all have broken business models. But it may be useful to
understand them.