Ascend GRF400

>It is probably useful to differentiate between Netstar, which was
>recently acquired by Ascend, and the rest of Ascend. The GigaRouter
>was developed by Netstar prior to its acquisition by Ascend.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought the GRF-400 was an Ascend product
and the GRF-1600 is the NetStar GigaRouter, with some additional developments.

Am I right?

A very brief synopsis of the Netstar/Ascend GigaRouter/GRF history:

June 1994:
        GigaRouter - Original Creation of Netstar, 16 slot chassis,
        external UNIX-centric router manager system, etc.
        Ships to first customer in Germany.
        GigaRouter II - Version #2 of the original.. Better (blue)
                          cabinet with more easily serviced parts (fans,
        power supplies, etc); external PC now
        industrialized (SCSI rather than IDE, for
        example and rack mountable rather than
        tabletop). Also new rev of router manager board
        (card that fills the center slot). Various
        other minor changes.
August 1996: - Ascend acquires Netstar ($305M) and calls the
        Netstar operation "Ascend's High Performance
                          Networking Division." Says, "Who in their
                          right mind would buy a 16 slot box? Make a 4
                          slot box instead."
October 1996: - HPND finds a chainsaw a chops 12 slots off the
        GigaRouterII, and puts it in (yet another)
        new Ascendish cabinet. Backplane componentry
        stays the same, except slots 5-16 (which
        don't exist) aren't wired. External Router
        Manager System (UNIX platform) previously run
        on a standalone PC rolled under the hood.
        Router manager board obsolete in the new
        order. New product called the GRF400.
        Netstar OS v5.0 software renamed Ascend Embedded
        OS v1.0.
4Q1996 - GRF400 met with enthusiasm by customers, for a
        variety of reasons.. Complaints of, "4 slots
        just aren't enough" are however heard.
        Ascend directs HPND to establish a new vision
        and build a 16 slot box.
1Q1997 - HPND finds the 12 slots on the floor from the
                          previous chainsawwing and glues them to the
        developments of the GRF400: Underhood
        RMS, Ascendish-cabinet, etc. GRF1600 is born.
Very early 1997 - Ascend shows the new GRF1600.
