As if to. weren't enough

Look out -- if the .to TLD wasn't enough for you, then the next
problem TLD could end it all. The same folks who are running
the .to TLD appear to have the .tv TLD too. Didn't a few of us
post something about preventing this from being a problem back
in October 1995 on domain-policy?

How much do you suppose NBC [might have] paid for the NBC.TV
domain name?


For the record I merely consider such selling of domain names unwise
for various reasons I won't belabor here again. The proof of that will
or won't be in the pudding.

My problem is with such domains becoming so poorly managed that they
become the stock in trade of some of the worst sorts of spammers and
other criminals.

In essence that complaint isn't that different than dial-up internet
sites who won't check who they're giving instant accounts to, and (no
surprise) find that accounts are created hourly to spam and commit
other abuses without any traceability or accountability.

I suppose if someone argued that this is all the result of serious
flaws in the net's blue-sky engineering I couldn't tell them they were
wrong. However, here we are, and about the best we have is to try to
create at least some minimum of accountability even if that only means
not handing out weapons of mass destruction because we can't figure
out how to prevent every fistfight (so why bother trying to stop
anything, the reasoning seems to go...)

        -Barry Shein

Software Tool & Die | |
Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 617-739-0202 | Login: 617-739-WRLD
The World | Public Access Internet | Since 1989 *oo*

Look out -- if the .to TLD wasn't enough for you, then the next
problem TLD could end it all. The same folks who are running
the .to TLD appear to have the .tv TLD too. Didn't a few of us
post something about preventing this from being a problem back
in October 1995 on domain-policy?

For a while in 1995, WebTV's website was accessible at

How much do you suppose NBC [might have] paid for the NBC.TV
domain name?

Even more interesting will be which ABC gets Will the Australians
or the Americans prevail?