AS 1668 BGP contact - possible prefix hijacking


Is there anyone here who can help us with a possible prefix hijacking
situation through ATDN? Please contact me off list if you (or you know
somebody) that can help us. I've tried the ATDN NOC and Vikas, but they
have been no help whatsoever.

The hijacked prefix appears to be sent to AS 1668, then propagated from


AS 32440


We don't believe there is prefix hijacking. Due to various legal and
contractual obligations there are certain questions you asked that
we just can not answer. However I have asked an engineer to sanitize our
internal audit and provide it to you.
Also I'll reach out to you later today by phone and make sure that it
answers your questions.

Brad Passwaters - Director Production Networks at Aol
(My Nanog participation predates my employment at Aol thus the use of a
personal account)

Big thanks to several folks for their help yesterday:

AS 1668 for contacting me off list and the conducting a very thorough
review of the routes in questions
AS 4323, AS 19151 for verifying routes were received and advertised as
expected for verifying the routes received from AS 13703 were suspect
AS 13703 for isolating the issue and fixing it

NANOG is a great community and I hope to see y'all in NOLA next year.

AS 32440