The need for static IP comes from them wanting to run their own web-server.

  Not necessarily. I asked an ISP for a static IP for security
reasons. ("Trusted hosts" and stuff like that there)


Notice, I never said otherwise. The web-server is a trivial and common
example. Security issues are substantially less familiar to most folk.

> The need for static IP comes from them wanting to run their own web-server.
  Not necessarily. I asked an ISP for a static IP for security
reasons. ("Trusted hosts" and stuff like that there)

Yah, point well taken.

Besides, AFAIK, @Home AUP expressly forbids users from offering web and
ftp services of any sort off their boxen.

Of course, that's not to say that there are not pseudo-31337 w4r3z-kiddi3z
out there who do so anyways...:sunglasses:

> The need for static IP comes from them wanting to run their own


  Not necessarily. I asked an ISP for a static IP for security
reasons. ("Trusted hosts" and stuff like that there)

Yah, point well taken.

Besides, AFAIK, @Home AUP expressly forbids users from offering web and
ftp services of any sort off their boxen.

Unless they're doing contiuous port scans on all their IPs, they'll never
know. Besides, there's always the IP equivalent of dial-back <grin>.

Of course, that's not to say that there are not pseudo-31337 w4r3z-kiddi3z
out there who do so anyways...:sunglasses:

As I said <grin>

@HOME's business/operations model is NOT one I particularly like. Folks
should be free to run home servers. I'm thinking more along the lines of
"smart house" which has to have a server. A "smart house" could never exist
on the @home network. It's almost as bad as AOL. It stifles innovation.

@HOME's business/operations model is NOT one I particularly like.

then don't buy from them.


We decided not to. It was just a comment.

That's a chuckle - all they have to do is get a local dialup-register a
domain and ask their local provider to set up an A record for to point to their near-static
ip. If their connection goes down and their lease expires they can call
said ISP and ask it to be redirected to the new ip - usually at a minimal