ARIN to allocate from 74/8 & 75/8

Apologies for duplicate messages.

ARIN will begin allocating IP address space from /8 and
/8 within the next 2 weeks. ARIN was issued 74 /8, 75 /8, and 76 /8 by the
IANA on June 17, 2005.

Connectivity testing is currently being done by Team Cymru on the following
three /20s (one from each /8). All of these test allocations originate with

This is a reminder message that you may need to adjust any filters you have
in place for these three blocks accordingly.

For informational purposes, a list of ARIN's currently administered IP
blocks can be found at:


Leslie Nobile
Director, Registration Services
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

Connectivity testing is currently being done by Team Cymru on the following
three /20s (one from each /8). All of these test allocations originate with

and how is that testing being done? how do we test that we can reach
the prefixes? i.e. is there a pingable address in each, as has been
discussed here just a few times?


randy, all,

> Connectivity testing is currently being done by Team Cymru on the following
> three /20s (one from each /8). All of these test allocations originate with
> AS36666.

and how is that testing being done?

look in the routing tables of routeviews/ripe/cymru/renesys peers?

how do we test that we can reach the prefixes?

look in your routing table?

i.e. is there a pingable address in each, as has been
discussed here just a few times?

ping is ok, but routing table entry existence seems better. ping can
fail for lots of reasons and what we're really testing is routing, not
icmp end-to-end, right?

if it's useful, i'd be happy to report what percentage of my peers
have/don't have routes to these prefixes.


randy, all,

> > Connectivity testing is currently being done by Team Cymru on the following
> > three /20s (one from each /8). All of these test allocations originate with
> > AS36666.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> and how is that testing being done?

> i.e. is there a pingable address in each, as has been
> discussed here just a few times?

ping is ok, but routing table entry existence seems better. ping can
fail for lots of reasons and what we're really testing is routing, not
icmp end-to-end, right?

actually, routing is only half the problem (or some portion less than ALL
of it atleast). Perhaps the traffic gets/got acl'd somewhere even though
there are routes? I think Randy's asking: "Is there a webserver or ping
host out there we can test from inside our network to inside proposed new

if it's useful, i'd be happy to report what percentage of my peers
have/don't have routes to these prefixes.

that might be neat too :slight_smile: on your webpage perhaps?

if it's useful, i'd be happy to report what percentage of my peers
have/don't have routes to these prefixes.

route-views and ris provide pretty good views of route propagation.

but, as you seem to understand, that's only half the story. luckily,
the other, more useful, half is easily testable if arin/cymru would
just follow the long-discussed path.


I did get a private response indicating that X.X.1.2 is pingable in all of
the above.



look in the routing tables of routeviews/ripe/cymru/renesys peers?

Speaking of experience there is a difference potentially
between rfc1918/bogus/unallocated filters on an interface
that likely do reference a prefix list (no le/ge on
Junipers) - and a policy that handles BGP announcements.

It surely can happen (and did happen) that the BGP
announcements itself made it just fine while the filters on
the customer/ peer links where not at all updated yet (if
they filter BGP announcements for unallocated at all, etc).

Much less people filter BGP that hard, if at all, for
unallocated/ bogus, but rather keep the firewall policies


Hi, Randy.

] but, as you seem to understand, that's only half the story. luckily,
] the other, more useful, half is easily testable if arin/cymru would
] just follow the long-discussed path.

We couldn't agree more! That's why we stood up the following three
pingable IP addresses prior to announcing the test prefixes.

Sorry those weren't announced sooner!

Rob, for Team Cymru.