ARIN IP/AS Assignment

Hello All,

I was wondering how long it is taking ARIN these days to assign new IP block
and AS Number. We are a new startup and looking to build our network over
the next few months.


We just had to get another new block, took about 5 days.

I think they are a bit preoccupied at the moment... :wink:

ps. I'm not really sure of their timescales..

The longest part of our 2009 prefix assignment was getting our accounts payable system to handle the additional supplier.

If you have all of you documentation in order you can easily run through the process in two weeks.

Joel's widget number 2


The last few times I ran through the process, the hardest part was
getting ARIN to accept the ORG registration.One time we'd let the
state business registration expire by mistake. And the state
registration name didn't exactly match the business name. ARIN's much
more rigid about that sort of thing than any other supplier you'll
ever deal with.

Separately, I had all kinds of fun registering myself as an
organization so I could get an AS number to route my legacy /23. ARIN
asked for proof of the organization's legal existence so I faxed them
a copy of my driver's license.

On the plus side, you don't have to have your network plans done to
start the org registration. So start it early.

Getting addresses after that was relatively straightforward. I did
find it useful to have a friendly eye from one of my upstreams look
over the request document and make suggestions. Say things the right
way the first time so you don't raise any red flags and you tend to
get what you ask for.

Bill Herrin

It took only a few days to be assigned our AS number, but that was after hair pulling, head banging on desk, and i-want-to-drink-every-night-after-work for a week or two while we figured out how to work around the circular "You need to have two upstreams first before we will assign an AS" rule but providers can't/won't peer with you without one in the first place reality.

I wish you luck :slight_smile:

It's been a while since I've applied for an ASN...but used to be you just put on the form that you've ordered connectivity from multiple providers with the intent of multihoming, and that was good enough for ARIN. If that's no longer good enough, I would think any understanding provider would let you setup the peering connection first, assign it a /30, and then wait for you to get your ASN to do the BGP part.

Usually this is easily solved with letters of intent to peer upon AS issuance
from the two providers. Most providers will do this for you fairly easily.


We received our ASN in 2004 with a justification of "intend to multihome."


The compliment is received and appreciated. :slight_smile:


Long story, but the short of it is we were planning our IPv6 deployment, and because of several issues couldn't get native ipv6 to our main cabinet. Given our low budget nature, another drop was not feasable just to appease the ARIN rules, so it took time to brainstorm a plan of action.

To do things the right way, yeah it made it harder and required coordination and the help of the guys at HE. But, the key being we followed the rules and didn't try to game the system - we're multihomed now, just not in the traditional way. :slight_smile:

This comes back to the whole thing where the people who try do things the right way always seem to have the biggest hassle, yet while those are who are less honest, seem to get everything.