ARIN Emergency Policy Change

The ARIN Board has put forth an emergency policy change:

As this is an emergency change the timeframe for comments is greatly
compressed, the current comment period ends April 7th.

If the operators have input on this action you need to get over to
ARIN's PPML mailing list, information on that is here:

For those not following the discussion on ppml, and perhaps not especially familiar with the policu or the policy process, could you either describe or give a concise link to a description of the context for this change?


In a message written on Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 01:41:28AM -0700, Joe Abley wrote:

For those not following the discussion on ppml, and perhaps not
especially familiar with the policu or the policy process, could you
either describe or give a concise link to a description of the context
for this change?

Go to March, search for "2009-1".


The short, short version: ARIN's board may have gone rogue.

The slightly longer version:

There is some concern among the regular denizens of the ARIN public
policy process that some majority the ARIN board of trustees has gone
rogue as evidenced by the board's activity surrounding policy proposal
2009-01. Specifically, the board may be trying to use an obscure
emergency provision to insert IP address sale and transfer policy
language that slickly contravenes the expressed community consensus.

As ARIN's regular denizens are not exactly unbiased, they respectfully
request that ARIN's general membership (the network operators) take a
closer look at the matter while they still can.

Because the board has invoked "emergency" rules, the membership has
only two weeks to examine the matter. After a week from Tuesday the
board's IP address sale rules will be fait accompli.

For the long version, please refer to the ARIN public policy mailing
list, archives of which you can find at

Bill Herrin

can you folk please please keep the arin ppml sickness contained within
the arin lists? thanks.


Joe Abley wrote: