Are the Route Servers Viable Solutions That Are Being Held Hostage?

  I asked Bud, "Bud, will your I/R to RF transcievers send data at
  greater than 2.4kps?".

"Yes", replied Bud, "but it will take some work, and cost $X".

  "And will your I/R to RF transcievers send data bidirectionally?"
  I asked Bud.

"Yes", replied Bud, "but it will take some work, and cost $X".

So you paid him $X and he set about his business.

Some months later, you are wondering why you haven't had
a fully-working, delivered, useful, marketable product.

"What happened?", you ask Bud.

Bud explains that the problem was that there were some other
organizations who didn't put in the (unpaid-for by Bud)
effort needed to get Bud the information Bud needed to make
things work as planned, even though those organizations
might get some benefit from the work Bud was doing.

"But given $X or even $X times N, could you have accumulated
all the information yourself, in principle, in this time?",
you ask Bud. "And could you not have foreseen this problem,
or even explained to me earlier than now that it was a
difficulty that could be overcome by more resources for you
to gather up this information more independently?"

Hm, I wonder what the answers are.
