April fools joke?


It's sad when you just can't tell with things like this..

I hate April 1 on the Web. You are right you never can tell. I would be
appalled if someone as respectable as the BBC stoops to downright dumb

  However, it is England. They have some of the most strict laws in the
"Free" world.

  I hate the Interweb on April 1. lol

April 1st or not its the gist of that story is probably already true
whether you know it or not.

It is true.

It's called the Communications Capabilities Development Programme (CCDP) and is comprehensively discussed at the OpenRightsGroup* wiki:


...and somewhat less comprehensively at:


See also ZDNet from February, in case you think it's still an April 1st joke:


  - alec

Re visit of the stuff that was thrown out about 3 years when raised by
Labour govmt and berated by the present govemt when they were in opposition

Home Office and others want it but most businesses don't and the civil
liberties guys are quite against it - requirement on any online or comms
provider to keep logs for ages!


From: Leigh Porter
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2012 3:46 AM
To: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: April fools joke?

Email and web use 'to be monitored' under new laws - BBC News

It's sad when you just can't tell with things like this..


I was hoping for something good, like maybe an extension of RFC 1149 implementing ECN (aka SQUAWK) in avian carriers. I'm disappointed.

> Email and web use 'to be monitored' under new laws - BBC News

> It's sad when you just can't tell with things like this..

I was hoping for something good, like maybe an extension of RFC 1149
implementing ECN (aka SQUAWK) in avian carriers. I'm disappointed.

ECN doesn't help if the Hunting Season bit is set.

"Keith Medcalf" wrote:
{prior attributions lost}

> > Email and web use 'to be monitored' under new laws - BBC News

> > It's sad when you just can't tell with things like this..

> I was hoping for something good, like maybe an extension of RFC 1149
> implementing ECN (aka SQUAWK) in avian carriers. I'm disappointed.

ECN doesn't help if the Hunting Season bit is set.

That's a situation where you *want* Bugs in the project.

  "Wabbit Season!"

More details (from a fairly level-headed viewpoint) have been
published at http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/04/02/ccdp_government_snooping_plans/.

It looks like for more details we'll have to wait for the Queen's
Speech on the 9th of May (and the following white / command papers and
other guff) when it looks like she'll announce it with all the other
legislation her government will try to pass over the next year.


Joke is on then.

I make all my terrorist talking in Counter-Strike. Since the game
packets are not logued, nothing is logued. And we use a special
language so a possible spy would not understand us.

1. "OMFG! It's a deagle train! Camp for your life!"
2. "W00T kill #7 Total deagle-train!"
3. "Why don't you use that M4 you have?"
2. "Because I'm deagle-training n00b!"

Logging emails:
- 100% false positives: log data from everyone not evil
- 100% missed messages: don't log data from evil people

The very definition of useless. Probably another "feel good", "look
how we combat the evuuul" politics.

Oops. sorry, seems will use deep packet inspection for games.

I suppose the trigger for wen the terrorist say "we have setup the
bomb" will trigger a few hundreds of times per minute. :-/

"Somebody set up us the bomb."

(Though in general use, "set us up" is more commonly heard.)

-- jra