Appreciation for Bind patches

I have been following the various threads relating to Verisign and wanted to make one comment that I feel has been missing. Simply put, I would like to publicly express my appreciation to Mr. Vixie for taking the time to add the "root-delegation-only" patch for Bind. I'm fairly new to NANOG, but I'm sure that others beside myself also feel a thank you is appropriate.

Andrew Fried, Senior Special Agent
United States Department of the Treasury
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
Strategic Enforcement Division
5000 Ellin Road, Room C8-100
Lanham, MD 20706

202-283-5915 Office
703-980-0091 Mobile


I have to second this. I started work on a bind8 patch for Anonymizer's
DNS servers after learning of the .com/.net change well before the news
that bind9 would have out of the box support for the features I needed.
This comes as a great relief, since there is now a supported and de facto
standard way of dealing with the Verisign breakage. I don't have to worry
about maintaining an in-house solution to this problem over version
changes, and I don't have to worry about possible unexpected behavior due
to errors on my part. This is probably the most responsive I have ever
seen any software "vendor" perform in providing a solution to someone
else's problem.

As a side effect of bind9's support for the "root-delegation-only"
feature, general performance of our systems have improved. (We upgraded
two of our caching name-servers from bind8 to bind9, and our proxy
response times have jumped by nearly a second in some cases.)

This certainly isn't a scientific benchmark of performance advantages for
bind9 over bind8, but I am finding myself having to ask the question "is
it time to retire bind8 entirely?" now.

Thanks again,


Absolutely. Special thanks are also due to the members of the ISC BIND
Forum for their financial support of such efforts.

Verisign's ill-advised actions have put DNS and other Internet governance
issues on the radar of many, including myself. I'm considering an
'individual' ($200/yr) membership to the BIND Forum, and I encourage
others who haven't already to do the same.

-Graham Freeman

Andrew Fried writes:

Simply put, I would like to publicly express my appreciation to
Mr. Vixie for taking the time to add the "root-delegation-only" patch
for Bind.

You speak for many.

Andrew Fried, Senior Special Agent
United States Department of the Treasury
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
Strategic Enforcement Division

Now go audit Verisign's tax returns for the last 3 years :-).