Appointment Tool Public Beta

Thank you.
Tested it with Safari and Chrome under macOS 13.2, same behavior as in Chrome on Windows 10. Text is shortly visible and then goes white/blank, no possibility to click something.

I know what’s causing this and will have a fix deployed this morning. Thanks for reporting it!

@sb1 @Steve_Feldman4 I deployed a fix on the invites. I tested my calendar and all is working properly now. Please let me know if you still have issues. Again, thanks for reporting.

Perfect, it works, many thanks for the quick fix.

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A few things, none are earth shatteringly bad problems.

You’ve already said you’re looking to add Google Calendar and Outlook Calendar support, and yes, this will make it a lot more useful.

When I add an event (and I’m using Chrome on a Mac if that matters for this), the calendar just goes grey. If I reload the page, it shows up and the event is there, so it’s an easy workaround, but a slight annoyance.

Someone else mentioned displaying the overall agenda to make it easier to make sure you’re not scheduling something over top of a session that you really want to go to, and that’d be good. Maybe better would be an easy way to selectively pull in sessions from the main agenda, maybe from the agenda page have a “click to add to ‘My Calendar’” or something like that, so you can really tailor the My Calendar for all the things you want to do see/do easily. That combined with being able to subscribe to the calendar so I can have it on my phone (as mentioned above) would really be awesome.

Thanks for providing the tool, it’s good and useful, but with those couple of additions it would be amazing.

Thank you for the constructive feedback. I am adding @gnewman to this thread. Greg is our Senior Developer.

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I’m still seeing the old invitations from last year.

@gnewman can we add the ability to remove one or all invites?

I can reproduce this and will work on a fix for it.

I really like this idea. The favoriting of talks in the agenda predates this and would be a great upgrade.

@Steve_Feldman4 how many invites do you have that need declined? I can provide a method to decline all but not sure I’ll have that before 87 starts.

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Hi all,
I’m confused a bit about how the time zone works. My appointment is shown at 2 PM, but in the description, I have 8 pm - that exactly matches my home time zone. Is the timezone description a browser issue, as my computer is now configured with the EU timezone?

My profile and calendar are set to US/Eastern time zone.

I wanted to share screenshots, but I’m not allowed to do so.

Thanks, Marian

Bug report:
Received email saying: You have received a new appointment invite titled “xxxx chat” on NANOG from xxxx xxxxx. To review the invite go to your calendar.

But I clickd the link, logged in, and saw nothing on the calendar and under “Incoming Invites” it said “You do not have any incoming invites to display or they are non-actionable.”

  • Being able to cut/paste from the pop-in window of an event would be useful - currently disallowed.
  • “Click to download .ics” would be helpful - even if not fully integrated into other calendaring systems an export would be useful.
  • Names of attendees should be links leading to their profile data (if any is public)

@jtodd thanks for the feedback. I never noticed the modals not allowing copy/paste so I will look into this and fix it. I am definitely not blocking it.
We are planning a big update to the appointment tooling after NANOG 88 and downloads of schedules will be part of that. We will also be adding public profiles with the option to opt out.

:rocket: Appointment tool v1 and public profiles

  • Public profiles (profile image upload, bio fields and granular permissions for what is displayed to authenticated users).
  • Links name to public profile from the attendee list if the user has their profile set to public
  • Fixes all issues reported in this thread
  • Adds calendar export for appointments
  • Adds saved talks to the calendar views
  • Cleans up the UI
  • Adds color key for appointments, invites and saved talks
  • Fixes timezone issues between invites and what shows on the calendar
  • Integrates public profiles so users can see who is requesting an appointment (if their profile is set to public)
  • Adds company name to invites and emails

Please reply if you find any issues going forward! Thanks for all your help testing this feature.