Apple updates - Affect on network

With all of Apple's updates today (MacOS, iOS, Apps, etc) we saw a big
increase on one of our links to our ISP at 1pm Eastern.

Did anyone else notice significant traffic jumps on their networks?

[image: image.png]

That's an impressive jump. Do you have some netflow data showing the
target subnets that were being hit?


Has anyone else bricked there phone doing the iOS 5 update. I just ran
mine in the middle of the update I got a 3004 error doing some research
that error means can't connect to I'm guessing that¹s there
upgrade server. So right now I'm SOL till I can connect to the update
server. Looking on twitter it looks like I'm not the only person that has
gotten this.

Carlos Alcantar
Race Communications / Race Team Member
101 Haskins Way, So. San Francisco, CA. 94080
Phone: +1 415 376 3314 Fax: +1 650 246 8901 / carlos *at* /

There are a fair number of reports of Apple's update servers being down/intermittent. I imagine that's probably fairly inevitable on launch day. If people haven't already updated and are thinking about doing it, it's probably worth holding off a day or two just in case.


I didn't have issues downloading the update, it took less than 10min,
but I've so many apps and stuff on a 32GB iPod that the process of
backing up, upgrade, restore, somewhere in the middle you have to
confirm some settings and backing up the apps for which I still I see
23 pending updates I guess due the new version of iOS is kind of
tedious, iTunes does not provide much information besides a dialog box
saying "Restoring iPod apps", but the iPod is not with the classic
"syncing" message, on the iPod I can see the icons for the apps being
restored showing up one by one.

Besides connectivity problems and latency, the whole process seems to
take a lot of time, so be patient and plan to see your iGadget coming
back to live slowly.


Have you previously run TinyUmbrella? It has been known to set to a cydia server in the local hosts file which would return an error.

Or it could be gs is overloaded or down.

Ryan Wilkins

On our side, Akamai is sending us 40% more traffic than yesterday at the
same time.

A traffic increase can be seen on Lonap exchange point (


Looks to have been the was over loaded after about 30
attempts and 3 hrs it finally went through.

Carlos Alcantar
Race Communications / Race Team Member
101 Haskins Way, So. San Francisco, CA. 94080
Phone: +1 415 376 3314 Fax: +1 650 246 8901 / carlos *at* /

Saw a +300mbps (+150%) increase on my Akamai cluster ~1315 EDT. No
appreciable increase on transit or peering.


Same. 165% increase to Akamai. Had a large spike 10/11, though not as much as 10/12.


That's always worth doing anyway. Let the early adopters test it first
for you!