Apologies but...Verizon Postmaster?

I have been trying for weeks to get in touch with someone who will respond with something other than a form letter at Verizon. Can someone please contact me off-list? My company (Modwest) is being unilaterally blocked. I can't even send mail to abuse, postmaster, etc. from an @modwest.com address because of the block in place without a reason and without recourse.

TIA, and I'm sorry for posting here but it's really my last resort (as it should be anyones IMHO).

I have been trying for weeks to get in touch with someone who will respond
with something other than a form letter at Verizon. Can someone please
contact me off-list? My company (Modwest) is being unilaterally blocked.
I can't even send mail to abuse, postmaster, etc. from an @modwest.com
address because of the block in place without a reason and without recourse.

Welcome to the club!

I'm sure someone will get back to you shortly. But in the meantime, I can
share my experience with this, and perhaps get some opinions on how wise
their "anti-spam" measures are.

VZ was unable to tell me why we were initially blocked, but we were for a
number of days. Not at the IP level, but at the envelope level; meaning
that if you issued a "mail from:" with the domain in question, you'd get
the "550 You are not allowed to send mail:sc004pub.verizon.net" message.

To this day, we still see some refusals from them like this in our logs.
What I imagine is happening is that the check they do (connect back to
your mx and try to verify the address exists) times out occasionally,
either due to mail server load or connectivity issues. This causes your
mail to them to bounce with a permanent error. Not really the best way to
handle mail, but I digress.

Looking at your mxer, I see that the "rcpt to:" is a bit slow. I wouldn't
be totally shocked if this had something to do with your problem...


> I have been trying for weeks to get in touch with someone who will respond
> with something other than a form letter at Verizon. Can someone please
> contact me off-list? My company (Modwest) is being unilaterally blocked.
> I can't even send mail to abuse, postmaster, etc. from an @modwest.com
> address because of the block in place without a reason and without recourse.

Welcome to the club!

I'm sure someone will get back to you shortly. But in the meantime, I can
share my experience with this, and perhaps get some opinions on how wise
their "anti-spam" measures are.


Me, too!


In our case it's at the IP level. Our mailserver gets "connection refused"
from their "business" mail servers at "bizmailsrvcs.net". We got someone
on the phone who was supposed to look into it a week or so ago.

VZ was unable to tell me why we were initially blocked, but we were for a
number of days. Not at the IP level, but at the envelope level; meaning
that if you issued a "mail from:" with the domain in question, you'd get
the "550 You are not allowed to send mail:sc004pub.verizon.net" message.

They couldn't tell us either.

In our case it's at the IP level. Our mailserver gets "connection refused"
from their "business" mail servers at "bizmailsrvcs.net". We got someone
on the phone who was supposed to look into it a week or so ago.

Have a look at the logs on your primary MX. Part of their "anti-spam"
solution seems to be a connection back to your primary MXer to check if
the envelope from is valid or not. If you don't reply in the (very short)
timeout period, the mail is rejected with a *permanent* failure.

> VZ was unable to tell me why we were initially blocked, but we were for a
> number of days. Not at the IP level, but at the envelope level; meaning
> that if you issued a "mail from:" with the domain in question, you'd get
> the "550 You are not allowed to send mail:sc004pub.verizon.net" message.

They couldn't tell us either.

It's a horrible design. It's useless for them on MTAs that just accept
everything into the queue and work it from there (qmail, ?) and a pain to
the sender if you happen to have your primary mx swamped in a spam attack
when they try to query it. From what I can see, the timeout is *very*
short and they do not try anything other than the primary mxer.

There also does not seem to be a whitelist for problem sites (which we
apparently are) so the problem never really goes away, it just gets better
and worse as a direct parallel to your mxers load... They also block mail
to their postmaster and abuse addresses, so you have to do some work to
get in touch with someone there.


> In our case it's at the IP level. Our mailserver gets "connection refused"
> from their "business" mail servers at "bizmailsrvcs.net". We got someone
> on the phone who was supposed to look into it a week or so ago.

Have a look at the logs on your primary MX. Part of their "anti-spam"
solution seems to be a connection back to your primary MXer to check if
the envelope from is valid or not. If you don't reply in the (very short)
timeout period, the mail is rejected with a *permanent* failure.

Hmmm... Our primary MX is Postini.

And they won't even open a socket on TCP 25 so we don't get far enough
to give them an envelope from.

beach% telnet mta1.bizmailsrvcs.net 25
Connected to mta1.bizmailsrvcs.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
421 oe-mp1.bizmailsrvcs.net connection refused from []
Connection closed by foreign host.

What's weird is that any random dialup or DSL can connect to them just
fine. It seems like they've put our mail sender in a local blacklist but
we truly hate and kill what few spammers crop up here on sight.

It's a horrible design. It's useless for them on MTAs that just accept
everything into the queue and work it from there (qmail, ?) and a pain to
the sender if you happen to have your primary mx swamped in a spam attack
when they try to query it. From what I can see, the timeout is *very*
short and they do not try anything other than the primary mxer.

I think it's two different issues, as ours is at a lower level.

Go ahead and send me your contact info offline and I'll see if I can forward
it to the right people in the mail team.