APNIC offline

   Is anyone else seeing www.apnic.net offline? I have tried from two locations and the website does not respond. whois is working as expected though.


manolo wrote:


Is anyone else seeing www.apnic.net offline? I have tried from two locations and the website does not respond. whois is working as expected though.


tis not online
but i did sleep at a holiday inn last night

Tried from the US and AU, I can get to the box's IP, the webserver appears to be down though.

Quoting manolo <mhernand1@comcast.net>:

Website www.apnic.net is not accessable from my desktop, either.

But it is responded with ping, so it may be the issue with specific
application such as web server daemon?


manolo wrote:

Back now, crisis avderted



oy - 'just you, it's up for everone else'


(it's a nice service, we should all use it)

Working now from here... (AU)