APIs for domain registration and management

Hi Folks,

I expect folks on NANOG would know: Are there any domain registrars who provide APIs for managing domains and/or DNS records? It's kind of a pain managing large numbers of domains via klunky web interfaces. It sure would be nice to tie registry accounts into equipment inventory management systems.


Miles Fidelman

Check for a google(DNS EPP) for a lot of info on a standardized
protocols, though typically a registrar will provide a custom interface.

Many of the more established providers do this and it is more or less a
requirement for DNSSEC to work. google(DNSSEC glue) and you get a list
of providers who do DNSSEC and who likely also have an automated
interface for this. As a note GPG + Joker seem to be the popular ones
for this.


Hexonet (http://hexonet.net) has quite an extensive API as far as I
can tell from their API manuals page available via the control panel.
I have personally not used it but have great praises about it from
other people.

OpenSRS and Enom both have APIs.


John T. Yocum wrote:

I expect folks on NANOG would know: Are there any domain registrars who
provide APIs for managing domains and/or DNS records? It's kind of a
pain managing large numbers of domains via klunky web interfaces. It
sure would be nice to tie registry accounts into equipment inventory
management systems.

OpenSRS and Enom both have APIs.

It looks like NetSol does as well, but can't seem to find anything for GoDaddy (a shame, we have a lot of domains with them).

Anybody know of a CMDB that integrates with OpenSRS or equivalent?

Thanks again,


Dynect has a RESTful API as well. They even host a number of sample scripts at GitHub:



I've been very happy with DNSimple, which has an incredibly complete and
very RESTful API. It supports registration, DNS, SSL certificates
(purchasing and signing), transfers, email forwarding, white-label/vanity
nameservers, portal users and domain-level access control, and a bunch of
other stuff: https://dnsimple.com/documentation/api. Scroll down to

Basically they treat the API as a first-class citizen. Their support has
been a joy to interact with.

It works with DitchDaddy to migrate from GoDaddy:
https://github.com/jm/ditchdaddy. I've never used it.


Melbourne IT has a thorough POST API for all of the above and more.



OpenSRS and Enom both have APIs.

I've ben using OpenSRS's for ages. It's reasonably well documented
and works.

They do nearly all their business with resellers who typically host
their own web sites and use the API to fill the orders, so the API is
critical infrastructure for them.
