Anyone running Knot?

LWN this week covers the Knot DNS server, written by/for the .cz root zone ops, which can, amongst other interesting attributes, load the entire 35 million record .net zone in 10 seconds.

It also does generated synthetic A, 4A, and PTR records, like the old DENTS server written for mindspring.

Is anybody here using it? Or knows of it being used somewhere they're permitted to discuss? Is it suitable for running on... much smaller zones? or does the optimization make it impractical?


RIPE have an interesting setup. They are load-balancing their name servers
across BIND, NSD, and Knot.

$ for i in `seq 10`; do
    dig +norec +noall +answer version.bind ch txt;
  done | sort -u
version.bind. 0 CH TXT "9.9.5"
version.bind. 0 CH TXT "Knot DNS 1.5.0"
version.bind. 0 CH TXT "NSD 4.0.4"


Hi Jay,

LWN this week covers the Knot DNS server, written by/for the .cz root zone ops, which can,
amongst other interesting attributes, load the entire 35 million record .net zone in
10 seconds.

Knot was written by people at CZ.NIC Labs, as far as I know. When I was at ICANN we were interested in using it for L-Root, but I don't know that that has happened. The team is really, really good. I routinely suffer jawcraig [1] at their apparently outrageous productivity.

Is anybody here using it? Or knows of it being used somewhere they're permitted to discuss?
Is it suitable for running on... much smaller zones? or does the optimization make it

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[1] The Meaning of Liff: Jawcraig (n. medical)