Anyone from Verio here?

I've sent repeated emails to*, no response yet.
There is an IRC DDoS bot on EFnet actively attacking users - and has been for quite a while, as you can see from the signon date.

I am one of those being hit - any idea how to "take care of it?"

g is * sharon stone
g on @#tcp @#ping @#london @#jupe @#dust
g using ooh omnipotence. mm yes gotta get me some of that.
g actually using host
g has been idle 2mins 12secs, signed on Thu Apr 03 23:53:18

Just going off your email address/domain, it occurs to me that your problem may in fact be far to leet for the likes of nanog to handle. Have you tried an efnet oper? They have far superior leetness, and quite likely a little more time on their hands. One of them may also own that botnet, so you'd be hitting two birds with one stone.

- billn

Actually, looks like A-Z is taken and they span across all of the available servers on EFnet.

a ( (British Virgin Islands)

: ircname : diane kruger

channels : @#tcp @#ping @#london @#jupe @#dust
server : (Jews control irc, too!)

: idle : 253 hours 4 mins 31 secs (signon: Sun Apr 6 05:32:36 2008)
.----------------------------------------- -- -

b ( (Internic Network)

: ircname : jennifer aniston

channels : @#tcp @#ping @#london @#jupe @#dust
server : (We're so Hollywood)

.----------------------------------------- -- -

c ( (Samoa)

: ircname : herd killing

channels : @#tcp @#ping @#london @#jupe @#dust
server : (O'er the land of the free & the home

of the
.----------------------------------------- -- -

d ( (Samoa)

: ircname : kentucky fried chicken

channels : @#tcp @#ping @#london @#jupe @#dust
server : (Jews control irc, too!)

: idle : 605 hours 57 mins 7 secs (signon: Sat Mar 22 11:40:25 2008)
.----------------------------------------- -- -

z ( (unknown)

: ircname : diane kruger

channels : @#tcp @#ping @#london @#jupe @#dust
server : (We're so Hollywood)

.----------------------------------------- -- -

.----------------------------------------- -- -

u ( (Cocos (Keeling) Islands)

: ircname : eva green

channels : @#tcp @#ping @#london @#jupe @#dust
server : (Jews control irc, too!)

: idle : 252 hours 55 mins 29 secs (signon: Sun Apr 6 05:42:14 2008)

Jake Matthews wroteth on 4/16/2008 3:28 PM:

I would first speak with oper staff on efnet. Based on the fact that
the nicks are single characters, im going to be that someone affiliated
with staff somehow owns these, as usually opers swipe the cool nicks
quickly. If they don't have anything, might check the irc-security list
but most likely this will be considered off topic even there.

Have you called your ISP today?

Having a bit of diffculty with a Google matter. Was hoping to get pointed in the right direction by someone from Google.
--Patrick Darden

Thanks everyone! Several people from Google responded very quickly, and the issue was resolved faster than I can believe.
--Patrick Darden

It'd be nice if more companies of their size responded that way. :slight_smile:


Raymond L. Corbin wrote:

It'd be nice if more companies of their size responded that way. :slight_smile:

they have ~6% of the employees of the employees of say verizon and slightly less than the 123 years of cruft that the later has.

Verizon is one company in name only. There are so many groups and business units, all with their own inbound numbers and no communication between them. Several hundred left hands and several hundred right hands, if you get my meaning.


Proof that free gourmet lunch and dinner, plus snacks == Great customer service

Now we just need the rest of our employers to catch on... :wink:


Although their growth rates are starting to match each other. :wink:

Joel Jaeggli wrote: