Anyone from NeuLeve.bizl listening?

#Drew Linsalata writes on 12/11/2003 10:03 AM:

That's been my observation as well. NeuLevel does not enforce their ToS
and spammers have taken advantage of the situation accordingly. NeuStar
(one of NueLevel's parents) is quickly having the exact same problem with
the .us registry, for the exact same reasons.

The most-useful of the recent additions to my spam filters is to flatly
reject mail containing URIs that point to .biz or .us domains. Not
something most of us can do, but it sure works for me.

flatly reject mail containing URIs that point to .biz or .us domains.

Hopefully not including RFC-1480 locality .us domains.

-bryan bradsby

"The Internet is totally out of control, impossible to map accurately,
and being used far beyond its original intentions. So far, so good."
                                -- Dr. Dobb's Journal, May 1993