Anyone from Cloudflare ? (IPv6 issue)

Anyone from Cloudflare able/willing to contact me off list to troubleshoot a very frustrating and intermittent IPv6 connectivity issue ? I have plenty of data points, multiple test systems (Testing from 2 working ASes, and the 1 AS in question that’s broken).

Otherwise - if anyone could share a way to get to clue @Cloudflare I would greatly appreciate it. I put a request in through the web support front door, but I got back about what I expected.


* Brandon Applegate:

Otherwise - if anyone could share a way to get to clue @Cloudflare I
would greatly appreciate it. I put a request in through the web
support front door, but I got back about what I expected.

Did you receive a reply?

I tried to notify security@ about some issue, but never heard back
from them.

I did - I worked with some Cloudflare guys offlist and they made some (hopefully temporary) BGP path tweaks to route around where we think the trouble is buried. So kudos to them.

If you want - let me know 1:1 and I can let you know who I worked with, although I’m not sure they are security focused.