Anyone alive at

Ok for the NANOG folks.
  We found Christopher's request in the "questionable" spool, it
  was submitted less than 48 hours ago. The EP.NET turn time is
  listed at 96 hours.

  The gyrations on the EP.NET end are due to:
    - office relo
    - software upgrades (new OS)
    - spam mitigation processes

  His request will be processed in the normal window. There are
  still some issues w/ procmail/spamassasin tuning.


I think we can all agree, that we all still love you :slight_smile:

  Ok for the NANOG folks.
  We found Christopher's request in the "questionable" spool, it
  was submitted less than 48 hours ago. The EP.NET turn time is
  listed at 96 hours.

  The gyrations on the EP.NET end are due to:
    - office relo
    - software upgrades (new OS)
    - spam mitigation processes

  His request will be processed in the normal window. There are
  still some issues w/ procmail/spamassasin tuning.


-- Alex Rubenstein, AR97, K2AHR,, latency, Al Reuben --
-- Net Access Corporation, 800-NET-ME-36, --

bill wrote:

> From: bill []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 12:25 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Anyone alive at
> > I've been awaiting allocation of an IP from an IX that is allocated by
> >
> >
> > I've been recieving connection refused form the mailserver from several
> > domains for over a week.
> --bill

        Ok for the NANOG folks.
        We found Christopher's request in the "questionable" spool, it
        was submitted less than 48 hours ago. The EP.NET turn time is
        listed at 96 hours.

        The gyrations on the EP.NET end are due to:
                - office relo
                - software upgrades (new OS)
                - spam mitigation processes

        His request will be processed in the normal window. There are
        still some issues w/ procmail/spamassasin tuning.

Interesting to compare this with the Wed Jan 07 13:27:16 2004 response.

hey folk, lighten up. bill does this on his own time and for a
pittance. if an exchange point wants professional level service,
well they can get their address space from an rir and run the
allocation service themselves. my guess is that bill will soon
look inexpensive and responsive.

a private whine to him usually gets a response. after all, being
a whiner himself, turnabout is fair play. :slight_smile:

as to the question of whether bill is alive, as he is a deadhead,
i guess that's up for grabs. :slight_smile:


FWIW: The last 2 two requests I put into Bill were done in < 24 hours. The most
recent was about a week ago.