Anyone alive at ALTDB?

messages to db-admin have so far gone unanswered.

Jason Lixfeld <> writes:

messages to db-admin have so far gone unanswered.

I spoke with the "db-admin"; he advises as follows:

1) you sent a single message to create a maintainer object, about 24
hours before posting to NANOG. The turnaround time that you have
experienced is well within historical norms for creating new maint
objects. Please be patient.

2) He has been preoccupied with the arrival of a new baby (his wife
was the one who was pregnant, so no comments from the peanut gallery
about us fat guys, please)

3) If you require emergency super-high-speed turn-around, you may wish
to consider contacting Merit, who charges for its routing registry
service (or some other organization of your choice that has a
full-time support staff and runs a routing registry) rather than
relying upon a free, cooperative service.


There was no documentation anywhere specifying the turnaround time for maintainer object creation. Had there been a message returned with the object saying "hold your horses for 3 days", I would have.

Ask for your money back :slight_smile:

There was no documentation anywhere specifying the turnaround time for maintainer object creation. Had there been a message returned with the object saying "hold your horses for 3 days", I would have.

Maybe there is no auto responder because of the huge amount of spam auto-dbm receives?