Anybody with experience with MT IS-IS on multi-vendor integration - JunOS MX to Dell OS9 Z9100

We are a small transit provider with a Juniper backbone running
multi-topology IS-IS in a single area with a very small number of JunOS
devices (less than 15 devices). We are attempting to integrate some 100
Gbps top of rack Dell (Force10) switches to do some backhaul in our metro
areas. The end game is to use a full feature OS like IPInfusion OCNos or
similar and stand up carrier services (VPWS, VPLS, L3VPN). Until we select
our OS, we are stuck running Dell OS9 which is a very feature limited. We
are struggling with getting the IS-IS routes for management to remain
stable. We've found issues with CSNP timers and defaults,
graceful-restart, network point-to-point, and re-using VLAN IDs in separate
parts of the network in the same IS-IS area. We have Juniper TAC, Dell
TAC, and Dell development engaged and seem to be making progress, but I'm
still curious if anyone out there has any firsthand experience with DellOS9
and JunOS with MT IS-IS.

I will be at NANOG 72 next week and would love to speak to anyone about
this issue. I am also interested in learning more about experience with MT
IS-IS and other IGPs.

If anyone is willing to share experiences via email or at NANOG next week,
please email me on or off list.

Thanks in advance,
