Any Sprint BGP people out there


We have a customer that has Internet access through SBC. They lost their
connection yesterday morning and are about ready to go out of business.
We got additional fiber to their location and are now trying to announce
their prefixes to Sprint. Of course they don't belong to us and wondering
what I have to do to prove it is a legit request.

A contact off list would be greatly appreciated.


Todd Christell
Network Manager
Key fingerprint = 4F26 A0B4 5AAD 7FCA 48DD 7F40 A57E 9235 5202 D508

We have a customer that has Internet access through SBC. They lost their
connection yesterday morning and are about ready to go out of business.
We got additional fiber to their location and are now trying to announce
their prefixes to Sprint. Of course they don't belong to us and wondering
what I have to do to prove it is a legit request.

sprintlink does not prefix filter, they only as-path filter


I'm a Sprint customer going on 10 years now. I have always had good luck e-mailing their BGP4 admin address. Check out the website but I think it is They normally respond in an hour or less. I'm sure if you e-mail the BGP group they will add the new AS to your as-path filter list. Either that or just announce their IPs under your AS.


not true for all Sprintlink customers.

i should also have said that my knowledge was old. i could have
better said "my memory is that sprintlink used not to ..."

your note that they prefix filter some customers might indicate a
change in sprintlink policy or config automation, or could it be
a custom hack to defend the commons from a few specific poorly
behaved customers?


Perhaps someone from Sprint can tell us, but I suspect it's just a change
in policy at least several years ago.