any known users of NetRange -

I have this very odd email address found with one of our employees....

Here's my questions:

- Given that 1918 deals with allocation issues for "private Internets",


there a recording entity of this special address space beyond the formal
IANA, which details the distribution of data from any "private Internet"
once it enters the public Internet vice versa ?

- Whom to anyone's knowledge is known to be using (for special projects)


perhaps misusing this ?

This mail is likely from a spammer or (even more likely) from a
misconfigured sender behind a NAT gateway.

There are lots of folks using addresses in this range on the private
nets; some of it, unfortunately leaks to the Internet (all to no good).

Tony Rall

Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 17:57:52 -0700
From: Tony Rall

This mail is likely from a spammer or (even more likely) from
a misconfigured sender behind a NAT gateway.

It's difficult for TCP to work when there's no return path,
unless one has highly-predictable ISNs. Chances are it's
"inside" the network.
