Any ISPs using AS852 for IP Transit?

If there are any ISPs who use TELUS/AS852 for IP Transit over BGP, I’d be interested in hearing from you.

I’d like to compare notes to see if you are also paying $250 for each BGP prefix filter updated request, or if we’re the only ones…

Thanks in advance!

I feel this can be a public topic:

Rogers just charged us that for an update (one update, multiple entries).
We had to go through their quotation machinery too, took like 4-5 days. Additional
time was wasted because we contacted their tech dept directly at the start. (which
is what I do for all my other upstreams...)

Kinda brutal.

Cogent and HE nor NAC or Yipes or Tata ever did that to us.

Nickle and diming -- why, cuz transit is a cheap commodity now, gotta make the
cash somewhere?

That said Cogent offered us a static /26 along side our BGP years ago then warned
us it'd be $50/mo or something for that # of ips going forward. We didnt need it
so dispensed with it.


I feel this can be a public topic:

Rogers just charged us that for an update (one update, multiple entries).
We had to go through their quotation machinery too, took like 4-5 days. Additional
time was wasted because we contacted their tech dept directly at the start. (which
is what I do for all my other upstreams...)

Kinda brutal.

Coordination problems are a point of high friction and cost for low
margin products. I generally prefer that my providers be able to
generate prefix filters on the basis of route objects, If it's not part
of their service offering; how costs are assigned for service requests
is going to be part of contract negotiions.


I question their motivation here and would follow up by asking if they
support filtering by IRRdb and are merely trying to encourage the practice?


Last time I asked, that wasn’t something that they had implemented, and had no definite plans to do so within any timeframe that was on their radar.

So, to be blunt, I would cast this as their charging you NRC for manual work because of their failure to automate this.

Sure. My question was whether every TELUS BGP customer was being charged for these too, or if I’m the only one. If I’m the only one, then I’m obviously caught in some administrative black hole there that I would like to get myself out of. This is something that has only started happening in the last 6 months or so. Prior to that, we were never charged by them for these requests. Unfortunately, my sales rep has been less than helpful in trying to understand what changed to make us susceptible to these new charges.

I don't think this is standard across the board with Telus.

I've also heard (rumours?) of a similar $250 prefix change free associated with Shaw/AS6327 changes before, and also a much larger $750 change prefix change fee with BELL-GT/AS6539, but the customers I know who use them definitely don't get charged these types of fees.

Theodore Baschak - AS395089 - Hextet Systems -

Followup: we did the quote/PO/sign-the-order dance. That took about 3-4 days
not including our side's lag (which was not insignificant, Im not the guy with
the pen). But now it's gone to provisioning and will be a standard *5 days*.

Cogent will do this in about 1-6 hours if you provide the LOA's with the request.
So will HE. And many others.


I've used HE's tunnelbroker (BGP) a few times to get our ARIN space to a site while waiting on a local carrier to turn up v6, get the proper LOA, etc.

I've received better service from the NOC there for a service I didn't pay for than I have from any ISP I've ever given money. They are doing a great job over there. A LOA change (/48-->/40 le 48) took about an hour.

Spencer Ryan | Senior Systems Administrator |<>
Arbor Networks
+1.734.794.5033 (d) | +1.734.846.2053 (m)<>

To confirm AS852 and AS577 don’t charge $dayjob for prefix changes …. they both do them manually though which is a pain :frowning: