Another Domain list seller

Copied from SPAM-L. Posted for the info/warning of domain owners and for
action by Network Solutions if they choose, since they seem concerned by
this issue of late.

Note that the "opt-in list of domain owners..." does not exist, except in
the mind of the spammer.


According to our records, you have at least
one domain registered with Network Solutions,
aka The Internic.

Please do not be offended by this email.
This is not a mass spam mailing. Your
email address is on an Opt-In list of domain
owners who are interested in increasing
their website traffic.

We can show you how to generate so much traffic,
that it could possibly CRASH your ISP's server!
That's right!

We have a huge list of Internic's Domain Owners,
extracted from the Whois Database available
for download from our password protected
website right now. For more details,
visit our site . . .

If you order before Dec. 31st, you will receive
"MacroBot" software for FREE!

This is a one time mailing offer to members
of Network Solutions Whois Database of Domain
Name Owners/Opt-In List. You will not receive
any further mailings from our company.

To request removal from this opt-in list,
send an email with "unsubscribe" in the
subject box.

Thanks for your time and consideration,

The UnderWorld
1-800-607-6006 ext. 3205#

Spammers should be investigated by Ken Starr!

Dean Robb
PC-EASY computer services
(757) 495-EASY [3279]

two things. first:

i just blackholed the /24 this web server lives on. it's part of a much
larger block but there's no evidence that the entire block is infested.

second, and this is just piggybacking since i've used up launch slot, i
wanted to let everyone know how things came out with the blackholing of
network solutions. it turns out that it's not going to be necessary --
i met with david holtzman in DC on the saturday before usenix and ietf,
and NSI plans to beef up the ability of domain contacts to opt out of
their marketing materials. it's hoped, though not promised, that this
added beef will appear before they send any more marketing material.

for background, it's not spam if there's a preexisting relationship, as
is certainly true for netsol and the internet's domain contacts. my
reason for thinking i might have to blackhole them is (a) there's no way
to choose a non-netsol registrar (yet!) and (b) there's been no way to
reliably get oneself removed from the marketing list. if either one of
these and preferrably both are fixed, then i'll have no reason to black-
hole NSI at this time. "that's the news -- so, now you know."