Announcing N91 Monday Keynote + New on NANOG TV: "Community Deep Dive"

Announcing N91 Monday Keynote: Chief Cloud Economist, The Duckbill Group—Corey Quinn
“TCP Terminates on the Floor: The Ebbing Tide of Networking Expertise”

Time: 10:15 - 11:00 (CDT)

Abstract: Once upon a time it was unthinkable to have a company meaningfully more complicated than a local florist that didn’t have a network engineer on staff, or at least retainer. Today the world is vastly different…


New on NANOG TV: “Community Deep Dive” Series
A Deeper Look at the Remarkable Tech Leaders that Call NANOG Home

At the core of NANOG is community. “Deep Dive” with Chief Scientist for APNIC + long-time community member, Geoff Huston.

“What I like about NANOG and what I suppose I find frustrating about other venues is, when you are wrong at NANOG, you know it” - Geoff Huston.

Host and producer Elizabeth Drolet talks to Huston about:

  • his history with NANOG

  • technical “elephants in the room” that you should be discussing

  • why he calls this community his “tribe”


NANOG 91: Hotel Block Deadline Extended to This Friday
Reserve Your Group Rate Today!

NANOG 91 will take place at Loews Kansas City. Discounted late registration will end Friday, 7, Jun.


Still Time to Register for Hackathon!
Hack Your Way into Fun, Friends, + Boost Your Resume!

Theme: Put your sleuthing skills to the test!

Hybrid Format: Join us in person in Kansas City or virtually.

Important Dates:
Friday, 31 May 2024 - Intro/Infrastructure Tutorial/Team Formation
Sunday, 09 June 2024 - Competition


Last Call for NANOG 91 Sponsors!
Invest in the community we have built.

Contact Shawn Winstead for more info at

*Abstract: *Once upon a time it was unthinkable to have a company
meaningfully more complicated than a local florist that didn't have a
network engineer on staff, or at least retainer. Today the world is
vastly different...

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    Cyber Security: A Pre-War Reality Check - Bert Hubert's writings



Hello Randy ,

Unfortunately for NANOG, Bert Hubert is well-credentialed and insightful, whereas I bias instead for “funny” and “loud.”

But I shall do my level best.


I saw the keynote topic about how people seem to think bgp is a band’s name…
Which I would enjoy watching, perhaps, if the jokes are good.

I would like to suggest corey hand out something like

"I fixed the internet and all I got was this lousy t shirt. "

I have met so few people under 40 that know how to read a packet capture… trained only few dozen that seem to really get how tcp is supposed to work… it feels like I should open an equivalent of a tarot shop for packet capture analysis “and get your palms read, too!”