Ameritech must be talking to the PA PUC

"Late news" - Crains Cleveland Business 8/31/98

[Note: How was it determined that these were Internet calls? Well, until
recently, ICG did not provide dialtone in Cleveland to anyone except ISP's.]

Ameritech Loses Regulatory Dispute

The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio last week ended a long battle between
Denver-based ICG Communications INC. and Ameritech Corp. over fees charged to
connect Internet calls. The PUCO ruled in favor of ICG, which contended that
Ameritech owed it $4 million for connecting Ameritech customers' calls to
Internet service providers. Ameritech previously refused to pay the charges,
arguing that Internet calls are long-distance calls, not local calls, and
thus weren't subject to the mandated connection fees. Ameritech spokesman
Kim Norris said Ameritech has not decided whether to appeal the ruling.

And they are not the only ones, looks like this is happening in PA too:

Yes, thus my subject. I know about the PA situation already