Amateur Hour - NANOG79 Video Archives?

Hi All,

I like many participated at NANOG79 remotely using the
streams. Unfortunately I must have missed a memo though, as I can't see
to find the video archives of these talks. I'm especially interested in
revisiting the NMaaS and the Covid Service Providers perspective ones as
well as the RPKI deployment talk from Job for example. How might one see
these now post NANOG79?

Thanks in advance,

Hi Mick - just chiming in. Edward mentioned they should be live within 2 weeks on the NANOG YouTube channel in the closing remarks.


Missed that sorry - as you were all :slight_smile:

Hi Mick and Illisa,

Is this the NANOG Youtube channel? I didn’t find the NANOG79 videos, did you?

Pengxiong Zhu
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, Riverside

I did not check, but was told to go to and look for nanogtv.

That is the correct Youtube channel, yes.

Monday is 2 weeks from the conference start, so I think we can safely say give it a couple more days. Edward is really good about following up on these things, and we know that the vendor that we worked with is really really busy with a lot of virtual conferences these days.

Got it, thanks!
