Allocation of IP Addresses

Given the number of new ISPs that come to them for provider independent
addresses, they isn't enough IPv4 address space to do the above with.

Are you sure of this? Even if they start allocating out of the former
Class A space?

Do the math. Currently, about 50 new ISP approach InterNIC for
address space per week. This is up from about 25 6 months ago, so the
growth rate currently quadruples over a year. Assuming a constant
rate, however, you'd consume all remaining address space in about 8
years. This does not include large ISPs like Sprint, MCI, etc. that
are allocated /13s and /14s when they need new blocks, nor does it
include the growth from the AP or European regions. Oh yea, don't
forget the effects of the rush on address space you'd likely get when
people realize the address space is running out very quickly.

After all, getting a reserved /16 out of the former Class A space
wouldn't exactly be free because you would need to buy a NAT in order to
avoid renumbering down the road so not *ALL* ISP's are going to demand
one of these.

I don't see the point. If you are going to propose using a reserved
class A, why not use net 10?


The /16 would be reserved but not actually used. Then after a
probationary period if the ISP shows that they deserve the /16, then they
get to use it. If not, they lose it and have to continue running their
NAT indefinitely.

The /16's are reserved out of the old Class A space and nobody is 100%
sure that those addresses can be safely sliced and diced into longer
prefixes than /8. But this proposal ensures that when a /16 is released,
the ISP already has a NAT system in place and if we find out that
terrible things happen, they can just hook their NAT back up.

If it turns out that the old Class A is simply not globally usable, we
can still allocate it to companies to use behind a NAT so that only the
ISP's and NSP's need to deal with the mess on the global side.

Michael Dillon Voice: +1-604-546-8022
Memra Software Inc. Fax: +1-604-546-3049 E-mail: