Akamai - Timouts (TCP Stalls) at the SIX

We've been experiencing issue with content coming from Akamai servers located in Seattle since Thursday January 27, 2011.

Our upstream peers directly with Akamai as the SIX (Seattle Internet Exchange).

We've been seeing timeouts/partial loads for sites with content delivered from IP block

Known impacted site for our customers: www.cbc.ca www.ebay.ca www.westjet.ca(redirect to www.westjet.com)

We've opened tickets with our upstream and Akamai, but we are curious if others are experiencing the same issues.

Wade Peacock
Network Administrator

Sun Country Cablevision Ltd
Sunwave Internet Department
Tel: (250) 832-9711 or (250) 546-9667
Dir: (250) 832-5123 x 220
Web: http://www.sunwave.net
Email: wade.peacock@sunwave.net
Support Email: support@sunwave.net

We've opened tickets with our upstream and Akamai, but we are curious if
others are experiencing the same issues.

Confirmed. We also peer with them at the SIX and have seen issues
since Friday.