Akamai DNS Issue?

From here neither www.google.com, nor www.apple.com work. Both
seem to return CNAMES to akadns.net addresses (eg, www.google.akadns.net,
www.apple.com.akadns.net), and from here all of the akadns.net
servers listed in whois are failing to respond.

Can someone confirm from another location? Comments from Akamai?

I've noticed this for the past ~30 minutes.

  (with news.yahoo).

  hopefully it will be fixed soon.

  - jared

Confirmed from here. Google is back for us, yahoo, fedex, microsoft, and
others still out. As observed, all look to relate back to akadns.net.

we see the same thing here in The Netherlands.
it would seem like Akamai has fallen off the net.

Tried all NSs on all locations, none of them responded.


Can someone confirm from another location? Comments from Akamai?

Google appears to be having DNS issues in several places... Luckily my
internal network cache appears to remain viable. I can not resolve google
from home using a more "production" set of DNS servers nor can a buddy of
mine who hangs off of Verio.

If you want some google IPs here is what is in my cache at work...

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: www.google.akadns.net
Aliases: www.google.com

From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu] On
Behalf Of Leo Bicknell
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 9:09 AM
To: nanog@merit.edu
Subject: Akamai DNS Issue?


apple.com: timeout, google.com: answer after > 5 min. This is from


Hash: SHA1

Leo Bicknell wrote:

From here neither www.google.com, nor www.apple.com work. Both
seem to return CNAMES to akadns.net addresses (eg, www.google.akadns.net,
www.apple.com.akadns.net), and from here all of the akadns.net
servers listed in whois are failing to respond.

Can someone confirm from another location? Comments from Akamai?

Yes confirmed here, seems to be affecting all Akamai sites right now.


- --
Chris Horry KG4TSM "You're original, with your own path
zerbey@wibble.co.uk You're original, got your own way"
PGP: DSA/2B4C654E -- Leftfield

Leo Bicknell wrote:

From here neither www.google.com, nor www.apple.com work. Both
seem to return CNAMES to akadns.net addresses (eg, www.google.akadns.net,
www.apple.com.akadns.net), and from here all of the akadns.net
servers listed in whois are failing to respond.

Can someone confirm from another location? Comments from Akamai?

It started happening here a few minutes ago, but seems to be ok again...

/ Mat

We are unable to make new resolutions from their servers

granite# host -t ns akadns.net
akadns.net name server zh.akadns.net
akadns.net name server eur3.akam.net
akadns.net name server zf.akadns.net
akadns.net name server zc.akadns.net
akadns.net name server asia3.akam.net
akadns.net name server usw5.akam.net
akadns.net name server zd.akadns.net
akadns.net name server zb.akadns.net

None seem to respond.


same here in El Salvador. Hope it doesn't take longer...


From here neither www.google.com, nor www.apple.com work. Both
seem to return CNAMES to akadns.net addresses (eg,
www.google.akadns.net, www.apple.com.akadns.net), and from here all of


We're seeing it too. Has AKAM lost any key talent that kept them straight until a few weeks ago? Isn't this the second issue to hit Nanog in as many months?


Blaine Christian wrote:

Just came back in San Francisco..
Outage started at 5:31:59 PST and was resolved at 7:00:49 PST

Peter Kranz
President - Unwired Ltd
Mobile: 510-207-0000


We've been seeing this too, but it looks to have been fixed from here
(AS12703) as of about 2 minutes ago.



The Internet is largely based on (non-shared) simple algorithms and not
having shared points of failure.

The problem here seems to be that many folks are sharing Akamai's magic DNS

Hmm. "Excess Sharing Considering To Be Harmful", anyone? Our kindergarten
teachers would be shocked :slight_smile:

- Dan

So anyone know what was the cause ?


Akamai is blaming is on a DDoS:

Of course, their share price closed up 78c rather than down :slight_smile: